Typing in the Car

Milwaukee has decided to leap ahead into the 21st century by wiring up a few of their city parks for WIFI. That gives those of us with laptops the chance to peck out emails and surf the web sitting at the tables in the park, or in my case, in my parked rental car here next to Cathedral Square park downtown.

The ease with which this can be done changes the equation….no longer is blogging something you do at your desk, and being able to blog on the fly opens up intriguing possibilities.

Milwaukee is a city of optimists, people who believe that things are looking up, and the flat accents and cheery dispositions are refreshing, coming from the cynical and uptight Northeast. Meeting people like Jeff Sherman and Peggy and Marty gave me a full helping of their charming and unforced hospitality. I look forward to writing my guide to Milwaukee, and to return here, but hopefully it won’t be 43 degrees and blustery on my next trip.