Folksonomie’s Progress

Met a guy on the phone the other day who runs he was wise in an internet way….explaining carefully the science of cost per click and how in a retail store, it is all about cost per foot. “You see on the web, if there are six choices of links to click on a page, adding more costs too much, by taking away clicks from the other 6.

Below is a snippet from Trekshare, a travel site using “reader produced copy”

Mr. X and the Muse
NYC – 30-Jan-05
As you might have read in my peru travelogue, things have been rough for me the past couple of years. Things have changed dramatically since I was hiding out in Macchu Picchu. Mr X, as I will call him, took care of the drug charges and got be back into the US. Turns out that he was so facinated with my good looks and charm at Macchu Picchu that he had to take me back to NYC. Mr. X hooked me up with the people at J Crew and I am now their top model. Mr. X calls me his Muse. I feel like I am on top of the world.