Gaping Void on Business Porn

Gaping Void is a very popular blog with a Google page rank of 7, written by Hugh Macleod. This means that when he writes, the search engine giant lists this blog very high in searches.

“I first heard the brilliant term “Real Estate Porn” when reading Gawker a few years ago. Basically, imagine a young, married Brooklyn couple reading through the property section of The New York Times, and you can just imagine, it would not be unlike college boys drooling over a copy of Penthouse.

So me and another friend were talking earlier this week about how totally obsessed thirtysomething guys like us get with “Business Porn”.

Business Porn is just like Ordinary Porn or Real Estate Porn, except instead of it being about the women we wished we could sleep with, or the houses we wish we owned, it’s about all those cool, lucrative, exciting jobs and businesses that we wish we had, instead of the normal, tedious, schleppy crap most of us end up doing to pay the bills.

You know, those kind of gigs that allow us access to the hot women and the nice houses. All three are somewhat connected, if you’re a guy.”