Cozy Fireside Sunday

We woke up to snow this morning, gently falling and covering the cars in the driveway. Damn! Why didn’t we remember to put them into the garage?! One of life’s pleasures: watching snow fall and seeing that your car is snug and dry in the garage!

Hanging out here by the fire (another decadent thing: a fire during the day!) and sipping hot cider. Nathan is in a buoyant mood, watching my grandson beam and laugh adds to the coziness of this Sunday afternoon at home. Francisco, Kate Cindy and Kate’s friend Nora with her own tiny baby are all here relaxing and sitting by the fire. Sundays are meant for this kind of relaxing…and while I am still pre-occupied with the details of the GoNOMAD cafe, today is indeed a day of rest and recharge.

Let it snow!