Mutton & Mead Fest to Bring Olde England to Turners June 23-24
Have you put the Mutton and Mead Medieval Festival on your June calendar? Last year I wrote enthusiastically about the experience of removing one’s watch and stowing the cellphone in order to fully immerse myself in England during the 1200s.
Last June more than 2000 people made their way from all over New England to the Millers Falls Rod and Gun Club grounds in a clearing where a medieval village was assembled including a jousting pitch. The event was memorable for its uniqueness–so many people wearing period costumes, waving gigantic turkey legs, and quaffing beer out of their own mugs that were tethered to their belts.
I ran into a long-haired man who looked very much like he would fit in at the event–he’s the artistic director and he told me about the furious pace of rehearsals taking place as carpenters build the set and plans are laid for thsi year’s two-day festival. “It’s the same program both days, we do the same show so if someone can’t make it Saturday they can come Sunday for the same fun.”
He said the hardest part was teaching the actors to think and act and speak like old Englishmen. They have a group of historians who guide the big cast and keep everyone in the right decade. I think a two-day festival speaks volumes about the success of last year’s show. This definitely is calendar worthy in this busy time…see you in the Renaissance! Visit their website.