Christmas 2024 Was One of My Best
Every year of our lives in the United States, there will be Christmas. There is no way to escape the cacophony of carols, gifts, feasting, and sometimes forced merriment. But some years it all felt like it was right, and the flow was there, and what I chose to do turned out to be the most fun I could have. All in all, from Christmas Eve through Christmas Day this year it’s all been swell. It’s not always that I enjoy the whole thing, last year’s Christmas was a mixed result, not that great.
I began with a leisurely drive, with Alex in the backseat, to Arlington, where Kate was busy in the kitchen and people were coming in and out. I love that time, when you’re all cooking and getting ready, and the booze flows with the Christmas music. I wanted to be right there and revel in my Patriarch role. There is no one here older than me.
I have made some interesting changes that will unfold in January, changing my life and bringing more spirit and obligation. I like that, I’ve had far too much time on my hands and I miss being needed. Soon I won’t have this problem. This blog has been the one most constant thing in my life since 2004, and this year, I gave up the travel website, so it’s me and my podcast from here on out. Last year I was talking about traveling less. But I took many trips in 2024, as many as usual. So I’m not sure what will happen with this…one thing I am interested in for 2025 is going to Africa for a volunteering trip with my daughter Kate.
I also had a special treat when Sam asked if he could spend Christmas day with me and he slept over in the guest room. I enjoy being with Sam and we watched football and corny Christmas movies together. Great to see him!
Here are some of my Christmas blog posts from past years.