December is Here, and I’m Flying to Arkansas

Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock. We're going there.
Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock. We’re going there.

December is an exciting month for me, it’s a month of planning for the big slate of January shows, reviewing the year and making lists like The Top Stories of 2019, and our annual ‘Where We Went’ column. I enjoy the process of evaluating and trying to figure out what the top stories are, both from the number of hits and also the opinions of our readers.

So I’ll be doing a poll soon to narrow it all down to the top stories. I’m proud of my story about Saxony that just came out, what a great destination.

Watch my One-Minute Video about Dresden

I’m feeling that mix, of both the anticipation of good things and a tiny little dread about others. Like there is something very important that I’m forgetting.  What’s the worst thing you ever forgot? I mix the dread, which I keep way down out of sight, and the excitement of new places and new things, and it all works.

Canoeing the Buffalo River in Arkansas
Canoeing the Buffalo River in Arkansas

I am going to be flying with my old traveling pal Paul Shoul to Little Rock Arkansas on Thursday. We will make a holiday stopover for three days, and find out just what makes that little city tick. I always look forward to trips, far away or medium like this one. I’ve been thinking about LR for many years, ever since way back in 2004 when Cindy and I visited the Ozarks and learned about Bill Clinton’s museum there.  Funny how things have a way of happening.

The shows that Paul and I are going to be presenting at are the Adventure and Travel Show in Boston, and the New York Times Travel Show at the Javits.  Both will be a presentation about travel writing and photography, our familiar wheelhouses. It is always fun!