Two Weeks of Italy Adventures Ahead!

Rome is looming, tonight I’ll board a Norwegian Air Shuttle Dreamliner and tomorrow morning I’ll discover a new part of Italy. I’m traveling to Circeo National Park, as a tester for a series of new ecotours that are being organized by DestiMed, an NGO working on tourism in the EU. Our first stop will be to a rural area, Fogliano Lake where we will tour the area on bikes, and spend the night in an Agriturismo, which is a farm with a hotel inside it.
Dinners at Agriturismo style accommodations usually mean long dinners and a lot of interesting people at the table. I can’t wait to meet them all and to get a better sense of what is here, and what we will be doing. I always go into these trips with a bit of a Forest Gump mentality. What is happening? I don’t know. What will happen? I can’t wait! What’s for dinner? Whatever you bring.
I enjoy being able to let my hosts take me around without my making choices, and having to decide where to steer the car. They’re all in charge, that’s just the way I like it. One of our first stops is Sacramento Sabaudia. This was a famous place because it was once a huge marshland and it was drained during the reign of Mussolini.
I’ll share lots and lots of photos…but now I gotta run!!
June 2, 2019 @ 6:07 pm
Buon viaggio Max!
June 4, 2019 @ 6:42 pm
Thanks, Kathy it’s so much fun to BOTH be in Italy at the same time. I’m enjoying your fun times with you!