New England Gold: Stocking the Sheds with Firewood

A rotten silver maple tree will be turned into New England gold with this log splitter!
A rotten silver maple tree will be turned into New England gold with this log splitter!

More and more I’ve come to appreciate and relish the place where I call home. I still maintain that I’d rather be cozy and warm in front of a crackling woodstove or fireplace than sitting on a sandy beach in the sun. It’s warmer and there are more options. I think getting warm in the cold is more satisfying than getting warm from being in a tropical place in the sun.

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I will defend our weather until the snow buries me forever!

Today I am excited to be stocking our sheds with more wood.  A big silver Maple tree was cut down just next to the street–close enough so the town took care of removing it, as it was all rotted inside. But when the tree company came, they brought with them a few town employees. I asked them if they wouldn’t mind cutting up the big round logs into 16-inch stove lengths, and they did.

So now I’ve got a bunch of big round logs that will split up into about 20 pieces of firewood each. I’ve also got some pine that I cut down a few years ago to split. This will be for the outside firepit since we don’t burn pine inside the woodstove.

Our reward was just under a cord of hardwood, and about 1/3 a cord of pine that we can only burn in the firepit outside.
Our reward was just under a cord of hardwood, and about 1/3 a cord of pine that we can only burn in the firepit outside.

My beloved son in law Francisco is bringing his strong back and my granddaughter Sophie is coming too. I tried to get my recalcitrant grandson Nathan to come but apparently, he never went to his dads so he will miss our busy workday.