Thanksgiving 2018: At Home with Love

Thanksgiving a day of traditions

This year was different than any year I can recall back to 2006.  That’s because we made Thanksgiving dinner and hosted a few family members here with Rachael and her kids.  I had ceded control of the cooking feasting holiday for so many years I can’t even remember.  I looked this up by reading my blog posts from each November, and it went back to 2006, a year when I did cook Thanksgiving dinner with a small group of relatives at my house.

I loved ceding the cooking chief tasks to Rachael, my girlfriend, who knows her way around the kitchen.  While I was somewhat daunted by how much water to add to make the stuffing, and when to take out the bird, she sailed right ahead and easily figured it all out.  We did emerge with a masterpiece of the groaning board.  I especially liked her homemade pies and cranberry sauce.  We almost forgot about it, everyone was glad to see it on the table.

Rachael the chef, taking care of the bird.
Rachael the chef, taking care of the bird.

I used to travel often during this, America’s only legitimate four-day holiday, I was in Iran one year, and at the Iron Bowl in Alabama with Paul Shoul another year.  I am glad that this year I didn’t travel, but instead, took it easy, enjoyed the feast and helped Rachael make it all happen in our kitchen.

I am very happy that all of our dishes were delicious and I was happy to have my cousin Stephen and my son Sam Hartshorne here with us.

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!