Vorarlberg Austria is My Next Destination

Austria map
On Thursday night I’ll fly to Zurich and then drive about 50 km over to the region of Vorarlberg, in western Austria. It’s right on Lake Constance, and it’s a part of the world I’ve never seen.   I met these folks at a European travel exposition, and they kept talking about the beauty of the Alps and of the interesting cultural activities around Lake Constance. I like their slogan ‘Poetry in Nature,’ so I said, sure let’s do it!

The stage for the Bregenz Festival in Austria
The stage for the Bregenz Festival in Austria

My hotels are located in the Bregenzerwald region. Bregenz is the main city of Vorarlberg. I remember Lake Constance from a story written years ago by Kent St. John, and it included a distinctive gigantic eyeball that hovered over the lake.

His story was about visiting the three countries that border the big horizontal lake, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.  My itin will keep my in Austria, first with a 3-stop breakfast in mountain huts and across alpine pastures, until I find my room at the Hotel Alpenrose.

I’m going on this trip solo, though I tried to interest my hosts in inviting another couple of writers. I prefer to be in the company of my peers, in a pack of writers, but this destination is worth going to by myself.  I can’t wait to share some stories and show off the scene where we will be doing 45 kilometers of biking on electric bikes.  It’s also billed as an architecture tour, so who knows what kind of buildings I may come across.

I’ll fly Thursday and return Tuesday next week.