3Doodler Create Allows you to Make 3D Art With a Little Pen

3doodler1The 3Doodler was a wonderful way to entertain two young guests who came to visit this afternoon. After all, who wouldn’t want to know how to create 3D artwork using a plastic extruder that piles the polymer on top of each layer, and then you can make all sorts of things. We made a tennis racquet, a letter M and a ladder.

Piling plastic upon plastic to create art with the 3Doodler create.
Piling plastic upon plastic to create art with the 3Doodler create.

With a little more practice, I’m sure we might be able to get as good at this as these people, who show off their handicrafts at Pinterest.

This is one of those toys that well, it might be split upon income levels. The cost is $99 on Amazon. So it’s a bit high a cost for what you get, a plastic extruder that fits plastic rods. But then again, what other toy could you buy that offers so much potential for absolutely amazing art. 3D art. That’s a whole new realm. So go for it!

3Doodler Create 3D Pen – Latest Edition of the World’s First 3D Printing Pen – Ultimate Art Tool & Crafts Pen Kit – With 50 Plastic Strands, No Mess, Non-Toxic (Smoky Blue)ir?t=gc0a7 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B01CL1FFPK

3Doodler Reviews

Here are what some of the other people who bought this think about it.  I especially like Sara’s totally candid review below 

“I should preface this by saying that I bought this as a gift. The recipient hates it, but I love it. There is definitely a learning curve with learning to use this. It’s not nearly as simple as the videos make it seem. You must have a paper, cardboard, or some other base (I think a coffee filter works well) to start your drawing on.

Drawing 3 dimensional shapes takes a lot of patience and there is a lot of trial and error involved when using this for the first time. The melted plastic doesn’t come out smoothly which is irritating and the tip has a tendency to clog. Don’t expect to change colors a lot. When you do change colors, the first chunk of plastic that comes out is go to be a blend and it’s a while before you get a nice clean color. The pen is really noisy but that didn’t bother me.”

Here is what an engineer thought…

“This pen is extremely finicky. My 12 year old asked for this for Christmas. It’s worked for about 5 minutes then there was a blockage, then we followed all the steps in the manual but the blockage is in the nozzle (which was not described) and now we need to buy a set of nozzles as the plastic has melted into the nozzle.

As a mechanical engineer myself I found this pen to be extremely user unfriendly. Frankly I feel like I’m testing a prototype. Please be warned to the non-technically inclined that this is difficult to use, let alone troubleshoot. The extensive directions give many warnings about what not to do – don’t turn nozzle too tightly, don’t insert piece the wrong way, etc or the pen will be permanently damaged. Honestly!!! If you have write 8 pages of directions it means you haven’t designed well enough for a user. Our result? It’s Christmas day and my son is left unable to use the pen and is disappointed.”

And another
“My 13 year-old son says it is “pretty awesome.” He had to earn the pen and it was worth it. Great 3D creative fun.”
ir?t=gc0a7 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B01CL1FFPK