Croatia, Where Have You Been All My Life?

The bike and walking path along Cikat Bay, Mali Losinj, Croatia.
The bike and walking path along Cikat Bay, Mali Losinj, Croatia.

Croatia where you been all my life?

For a moment there, I almost didn’t take this weeklong trip to Croatia to visit these six hotels who invited me so generously.

Yes I have work to do. Yes both money and time away can be tight. But when it really comes down to it we only live as they say –one go round–and for somebody who’s traveled to 40+ countries I must put Croatia and the island of Losinj very high on the top of my list.

This might be the nicest bike path I've ever ridden!
This might be the nicest bike path I’ve ever ridden!

Why? Because it’s one of those countries the combines so many things: the ocean everywhere, the best olive oil I’ve ever tasted, excellent inexpensive  wine, super friendly people, friendly currency vs the dollar, inexpensive lodgings, reasonable transportation, safety–all these things make Croatia my next vacation destination. I want to rent one of these campers right next to the water and chill for a week with Mary.

It’s true that I often hesitate when I’m invited to a new trip back to back from another journey. I had just returned from Las Vegas and before that from three cities in California and I was travel weary.

Campsites are available right on the water by the path. Sweet!
Campsites are available right on the water by the path. Sweet!

But after I flew and it is a long way–and got on the private plane that took me to the Losinj hotels it’s been smooth sailing.

For example I’m speaking to you right now from the sidewalk that goes right along the ocean on the  bay with pine trees above me and everywhere I look a mountain,  a boat and rocks that look like they were formed billion years ago.

As I passed people on the sidewalk they’re friendly and wave, no hassle about riding my bike and hell, I don’t even have a helmet on! Yep, I’ve left cold New England and I’ve left the United States I’m in a country that values freedom and boy does it feel good!