It’s Great to Hear from an Old Boss, Who Is Now a Friend
I got a bolt out of the blue today, an email from a guy I worked for from 1996-2002. Frank was a good boss, he knew what the important things were and what really mattered. He had to balance a family dynamic with a powerful older brother but he always stood his ground and I felt that I got everything I needed when I was a salesperson for their company. He used to say that there are two things you impress people with when you’re a salesperson asking for business–your shoes and your watch. Since that day I’ve shunned wearing sneakers and always wear a good watch. Just in case.
I left their company in 2002 and went to work for the competition, selling the same things to many of the same customers. I’m sure that didn’t go over well, but then again, Frank never took anything personally, so maybe we just needed a passage of time. I haven’t spoken with him since I stormed out of their offices back in ’02. But I always try to remain friendly and on good terms with people who I worked for, so I was open and ready.
He sent me a clip about a guy who we both knew out on Martha’s Vineyard. A sort of sad tale about bankruptcy and the passage of time. Frank knew that I would be interested and shared it. I later replied and found out in our emails that his tiny tots were now aged 16 and 13. And he was happy to recently celebrate his 20th year of marriage to his sweetheart. Wow!
Then I told him about my ten and six-year old grand kids, and how fortunate I am to live nearby. It was great to hear from him again and I know that my old adage about keeping up friendships and never burning bridges is more sensible than ever as I get older. No room for that, and plenty of room for lunch and breakfast meetings and face to face conversation. I hope to meet up with Frank for lunch soon.