Double Take Fringe Festival Roars Back October 17-18!

Double Take Fringe Festival, October 17-18, Greenfield MA

Double Take Fringe Festival in Greenfield

This is something I really REALLY wish I was going to. I have a good excuse but nonetheless, were I you, I’d check out this great festival of short plays that will be held Friday and Saturday, October 17-18th in Greenfield.  The venues are some of best parts of the shows, which range from strange, to funny, to downright bizarre (great materials for Monday’s water cooler, if you still work in an office that has one!).

Here is Linda McInerney’s line-up of venues, and shows.

Community Yoga

Hope and Olive’s Upstairs theater. Did you know that the Valley’s most popular and best restaurant also has its own cool little stage? Yes, it’s upstairs and was once a part of the Polish club. Now it’s sorta-kinda-legal to have these limited performances in, but as usual, the ADA and the fire code conspiracy will probably make having a regular gig up there difficult. Still, Jim is going to see what he can do, starting with the Double Take Fringe Festival.

Second Congregational church.

GCTV’s cozy television production set on the third floor of 393 Main St.

Artspace. that cute little house near the Post Office, 15 Mill St.

Jack’s Studio, 9 Mill St. just down from Artspace.

This year’s plays:

A Tale of Two Trees, or How the Planet Spins on a Dime by Ezzell Floranina

The Can of Yams by Jonathan Caws-Elwitt

Ababga, The Future, by Toranga Yeghiazarian

That New Play by Stephen Wangh

Sweet Slice of Life! by Lori Holmes Clark and Company

Feeding the Moonfish by Barbara Weichmann

Like Mary Oliver by Greg Josselyn

Have You Seen Charlie? by Stephen Carlson

It’s a super fun fall evening of hopping from venue to venue and enjoying strange new art and performance done by our very professional neighbors and folks from many lands.  Don’t miss it!