Larry Kelley Was Our Surprise Guest at Lunch This Week

Today I joined my friends for lunch and as usual, it was a great series of conversations that didn’t end until we tore away from each other outside Miss Saigon’s to return to our cars before the meter maid slapped us with tickets.  This lunch tradition is growing stronger every week, with a string of new participants who bring new energy and new topics of conversation into the mix.

I enjoy bringing special guests from time to time to liven it up, each of the people I invite I have known in various times through my jobs, or my business or as friends. So I like to mix people together and announce my surprise guests just before the lunch is about to happen.

Today we had Larry Kelley, Amherst most famous blogger, as our special Guest. Larry is a dogged blogger, he works harder than anyone I know reporting, photographing, Tweeting and posting to his wonderful blog, Only in Amherst.  It’s funny because after following his blog for seven years and only knowing him through Facebook and a few emails, I felt like I know him as well as a friend. Yet this was the first time I’ve ever sat down with him.

Larry’s been getting more blog traffic than ever since Amherst was in the news last week with the Blarney Blowout.  Larry walked behind the cops with their riot gear and has reported on every possible angle, and he was even quoted and his blog linked to from the New York Times.  For a blogger, that’s epic!