The Odds and Ends of a Typical Tuesday

Today was a bit of a whirlwind day, but I guess I got some stuff done. I began with our intern Ali coming in and I set her to work right off continuing her latest project–organizing the 400 or more submissions that have been coming into our submissions email box for so long. We are trying to tame the best, and make some sense of this cascade of great travel content.  Then she reviewed a bunch of cool new products for a gadget story. In all a productive session.

Then I had a Google Hang out with a webmaster in India, and one of our best bloggers, Mridula. She wanted to make changes on her blog but despite my knowledge of logs in and passwords, we couldn’t do it. It came down to needing an FTP password. Oh well, we’ll fight this one another day.

Then my son Sam came down and he worked on GoNOMAD for four hours and then I drove him up to Greenfield. He’s getting television service–he had held out using just the ‘Net, but he wants just like all of us to watch TV. So we fiddled and diddled and finally realized his old TV is not cable ready. So I am hoping that like one other time, when I put out a notice on Facebook that we want your old TV, I’ll scare up a donated set.  It seems everyone is trying to get rid of an old CRT TV, now that they’ve moved to flat screen world.

I stopped by my daughter Kate and son in law Francisco’s and they just had the wall between their kitchen and living room demolished. It’s gonna be a much nicer house all opened up. And they found out that the wall is not load bearing, so they don’t need a huge vertical pole.

Nice to stop by and catch up, I’m excited for their new house and it’s inspiring me to think about doing something similar here on Mountain Road.