Life in the 413: You’ve Gotta Live Here to Get It

LIFE IN 413 logo ideaI have lived in the Valley since 1978. Most of my best friends are also 30 or 35 year veterans of this old 413, so most of them will get a big kick out of the show that’s being performed on Saturday night at Theater 14 at Smith College.  Life in the 413 is six radio dramas, performed on stage with WRSI’s Monte Belmonte as the host.

Belmonte is everywhere. He just seems to have a finger on the pulse, he’s wildly popular and seems to make every cool scene. You see him in his fedora at the Green River Fest, and up on stage at the Downton Abbey Ball, wherever people are having a lot of fun in a memorable way, there’s Monte.

The radio plays were written by Hillary Price and Kelsey Flynn, Danny Eaton, Jaz Tupelo, Tom McCabe, Phil O’Dononaghue, Jaris Hanson and Frank Aronson.

The topics will be so familiar we will all grown, and laugh, and get it. If you’re not from the 413, welcome to our world. If you go to this show, well you may not get all of the jokes. But for those of us who have been here so long, it will all be wonderfully familiar.  Tickets here