A Travel TV Show Asks Me to Audition

Last week was pretty exciting when I got an email from a television producer for the Travel Channel who asked me to audition for a new TV series. Of course, I was flattered, but then when they asked me to send my best video clips, I had to pause. I don’t really have any.  What I had to share were travel segments I did on the radio, and so I just decided to wing it, and went outside with my iPhone and made a video. I told the story that I wrote about this blog, about biking in Mexico City on a Sunday morning.

The producer wrote back and her comments were flattering. That was a nice little experience, especially when she said that they are producing lots of other shows and that I’m very talented. Nice!  I am not sure, though, what doing a travel television show would entail. Would I have to spend months on the road? Would I have to stop publishing GoNOMAD in order to indulge in this fantasy life?  Would they actually pay me during the taping?

I don’t have to make these decisions now because nobody has invited me to anything.  But sometimes it’s just nice to be considered.