It’s Hot to Live Near the Train Station

There is a huge movement toward living near railroad stations. Building techniques and quieter trains mean that people are paying top dollar to live right next to the tracks. To ditch one’s car commute seems like the ultimate urban treat. A story in the WSJ today included photos of Collingswood, NJ, where happy former drivers are now walking to the train stations to commute into the city. A fantasy shared by many weary commuters is to live in one of these places near San Fran, New York, and LA.

We are going to be getting our own commuter living soon right over on King St., when the passenger trains begin to roll up and down from New York City. Northampton, Greenfield and Holyoke will all have their stations. People will live here and commute to the city. I also read in a Portsmouth website called Seacoast News that five restaurants are gearing up to serve food and drink on the sidewalks of this compact and most pleasant little New Hampshire City. People are putting way more value on not having to mow the grass and maintain big houses, downsizing is the thing to do these days.