What Happens to our Passwords When We Die?

When you die, what happens to the things that keep us all connected while we are living? What happens to someone’s Facebook page, or Twitter account? Who turns that off, who takes care of these details?

How many people, I wonder, have left this earth with unread emails that nobody can ever read because the password is in the body that’s past. Those passwords–that’s the thing that I get stuck on. It’s hard enough while we are living, but what do we do if, (IF?) when we pass to the other side?

A dear, dear friend of mine is in the ICU, his condition is grave. He has so much wrong with him that even at his young age, it doesn’t seem like he can pull out. Yet two months ago, he was in a coma and last Saturday we sat outside the rehabilitation center where he had gone. We laughed together about the loud music being blasted by UMass kids. He had begun to make some extra money by fixing the nurses’ computers.

Humans have an incredible capacity to survive. We constantly exceed what doctors and our family think we can endure. I pray that my old friend rallies, I’ll go see him today and hope he can sense that I’m there. Wish him luck and send him a prayer.