I Love a Woman Who Loves Little Kids
When my partner Mary is in a crowd, she zeroes in on the smallest citizens. She gravitates toward children since she knows them so well, after working in elementary schools as an occupational therapist for nearly 16 years. It always charms me to see this, like when we were in Mexico and after she set up her oil paints, a crowd of kids crowded around, comfortable being near her and inquisitive about the painting.
Wherever we go if there are children present, they will be of great interest to her. I love that.
It’s a pleasure having grandkids when they like your partner so much, they come running in to see her when she visits and are always asking me when Mary is going to be coming over if I show up without her.
We celebrate her birthday this weekend with a dinner with her daughter and her partner and me. I am lucky to have such a great woman sharing my life with me.
On this cold winter night, I am warmed by the knowledge that I’ll be helping a wonderful mate celebrate a birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday Mary!