A Sultry July Morning that I’ll Think About in February

From Bordeaux

After 30 hours of transport, nothing feels better than hitting the pillow of one’s own and very familiar bed. Even though it took another hour to fall asleep, I came home to a new housemate living in our house. A dog, adopted from my sister, who is named Polly and is a small version of a yellow lab. Calm and so far, a good choice for a house with a small yard.

Another interesting thing…after seven days of wine and dessert with lunch, three course meals every night, and sipping so many wines in Bordeaux, I gained a paltry 1.8 pounds. Is that the French paradox? I am sure excited about getting to the Y, and now I have a great excuse to take a lot more daily walks.

The office awaits…mountains of emails…yet the prospect of going there makes me smile. It’s a sultry July morning, and the kind of day that I’ll try and remember in February, when I look out at the snow.

“How was your trip,” asked my daughter, when she saw me this morning. I was bearing gifts, a little hairbrush for my granddaughter, and some beauty creams for her. “Oh, fantastic, one of the best!” I exclaimed. “You always say that about every trip Dad.”

I guess that’s why I travel.