Heading to Montreal for Un Tour Nuit and a Sunday Ride with 15,000 other Bicyclists

I’ve got the itinerary in front of me and a new composition book to fill up with notes. I have stocked up on business cards, printed out my Google Map, and remembered to charge my devices. I have nothing here to worry about, and I’m happy to report I’ll be on the road for the next four days in Montreal.

Traveling as a writer is different—it’s actually more fun than just going some place. That’s because when I arrive, a coterie of local tourism and PR people will take care of all of the details. I’ll just show up on time and take photos and notes…they handle the part about where we will go, what we will do, and who we’ll meet.

It all starts at the dinner…every press trip has the kick-off dinner when you awkwardly introduce yourself and mumble small talk about mutual acquaintances and places you’ve just been. You’ll pick a seat at the table and in most cases, you’ll sit in that same seat next to that same person for the next entire week.

This trip is emphasizing the World’s largest bike festival, held each summer in Montreal. There will be a night time ‘tour la Nuit’on Friday night, and a 30 mile ride with 15,000 riders on Sunday.

They’ll also through in some local activities like a jetboat ride and a spa treatment…and we’ll get to ride in the biggest peloton ever seen in Canada. That’s what they call the bulge of riders during a road race.

Follow along and I’ll show you all that I see, hear and even taste. Can’t wait to get into the saddle!