Heading Down Under Next Week for a Long, Long Walk

Along the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia
Along the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia

Now comes the exciting part of being a travel writer. The next trip. As I gaze out into this winter wonderland with the four-foot drifts in South Deerfield, I am reading the itinerary that will take me, far, far down under.

I’m heading for Melbourne Australia next Tuesday night and on Thursday will begin a long hike on the Great Ocean Walk, a 90 km trail that winds its way past giant rock edifices and takes hikers along the bottom of the Australian continent.

Tourism boards want to promote exciting places like this, and the best way for them to do this is to invite writers to come experience it. So armed with my camera, a large composition book, my laptop and iPhone, I’ll fly down there meet my host and begin walking.

My first day will take me 22 km.

I haven’t walked that far in a few years, but I think being with the local guide and seeing the scenery you see pictured, it will all feel fine. I am sure though, that after this first 15 miles or so, I will be ready for a hot bath and an early bed. Good, because the next day we’ve got another 15 km to walk. It’s a walking vacation after all.

All along the way, you’ll be with me, I think of my blog readers like people who are hitching a ride on my shoulder. I’ll shout out, ‘hey, look at that!’ or wow, listen to this great story….and I’ll share a daily glimpse of this fantastic place with you right here.

It will be like the middle of July down there, what with their southern hemisphere and all, and even the stars will all be different, since it’s the bottom half of the earth.