New Interstate Cameras Record Every Car…and More

On Interstate 91, there are now tall curved towers with cameras on top of them, and an article in today’s Republican detailed the plan. A five-year plan involving laying fiber in the ground and mounting these cameras to provide webcam views of the traffic, 24/7.  So someday soon we can check the traffic on our mobile phones by video before setting out on a long drive.

It will cost $30 million when it’s done, and both the cops and the drivers will be monitoring the cameras.  Imagine the marketing interest if they can provide a print out of every car license plate that passes by. So then it would be very easy to find out how many visitors come from each other state, and you could also find out what kinds of cars people drive the most, and even where they go one attraction after another.

Good data, as Google as shown, is how you make the big bucks. Somebody could get rich after this.