A Few Nights in NYC Always Energizes My Blood

I can’t remember ever being in New York City and not feeling a spring in my step and excitement in my blood. That’s because the city pumps it into us, and maybe because when we come here we are often doing really fun things like meeting tourism officials and having meetings about upcoming trips.  Having Devorah here with me made it all the more fun, last night it was wonderful to see her smiling face as she sat in a chair in the lobby of the Waldorf Astoria.

It was already fun, but sharing it with her made it double the fun. After the cocktail reception for the European Media Showcase, we proceeded downtown to 16th Street where we attended another reception, this one was hosted by Miami tourism.  Inside the large ballroom tables were set up with hotels, attractions and other highlights that Miami offers travelers.  I was interested in the wonderful Art Deco hotels, and one table was for South Beach Hotels–they run a bunch of these distinctive, two-story places like the Delano, just  a block from the warm Florida ocean.

We sipped on mojitos and we noshed on crab-cakes and made our way among the various tables.  While I admit that a lot of Florida isn’t really GoNOMAD’s thing, cool South Beach and some of the lesser-trammeled parts of Miami would indeed make good stories. I need some good photos to go with our existing story. So I’ll shoot them when we fly down to Miami in the dead of winter.