The New MacBook Tempts Even a One-Year Old

All of a sudden my gadgets and I are the most fascinating thing in the world to Sofie, age 1. So I am now fighting to keep my pristine white new Macbook away from her grubby paws.  Handing her the iPhone I try to molify her. But her attention goes again to scheme how to climb up and get at these keys. They must be fun to tap on with her tiny fingers.

We’re in the process of moving our blogs to a new platform, so if anything looks slightly strange, that’s the reason. All of the GoNOMAD blogs will look a little different, but we think in the long run this will be much better.

This will be a short week–on Thursday we meet in NY for the Times Travel Show. It will be a time of excitement, some public speaking again, and a chance to meet many of our readers as they pass by our booth at the show.

Kent has lined up something special–rooms at the Ritz on Central Park. He knows a good hotel and we’re proud to be sleeping in such a lap of luxury as the storied Ritz.