On the Balcony Watching the Moving Chairs
However short this trip is, it was fine with me to spend the day looking out at the Gulf of Mexico from my seventh floor perch here at the NH Hoteles. When I checked in, they strapped a wristband on me that’s provided me with Coronas and food for the whole time. Love the concept!
I was happy to join the other journalists and accept my plaque in front of an intense pack of TV and newspaper photographers, who clicked at us from all angles. I shook the governor’s hand and it was nice to sit next to Erika Mitsinaga, the charming press liason who showed us around when we came last January.
Cancun and the Yucatan region account for a full third of the country’s tourism revenues, I learned today. People in higher levels of government here are finally figuring out how important tourism is…and that means you gotta have good press too.
February 18, 2010 @ 7:00 pm
That's a super cool shot! And congratulations once again…now I can brag that I write for an award-winning editor!!!