Maintenant, Nous Sommes en Vacance

It’s been a long time coming, we’re finally on our long-awaited Cape Cod mini-vacation to attend the wedding of Jackie Stevenson and Mark Archer. This young couple invited us way, way back when the snow was on the ground and the day has finally come for our two-night stay at the Kingfisher Lodging in scenic Dennis MA.

The guy who runs this place was cool…no, he didn’t want a credit card to hold the room, he trusted us. He emailed a friendly reminder last week, confirming the amazing price of $65 a night (yeah baby!), and we’ve got the GPS and the Fastpass ready to transfer to Cindy’s Corolla. Last minute blogs notwithstanding, we should be on the road very soon. I even packed my beautiful light-colored suit that I bought at Arturo Calle in Medellin and haven’t worn yet.

Yesterday we tried out our new digital menu display at the cafe, another project that I’ve been thinking about for months. It’s a screen that rests just below the cafe’s clock, and shows off close-up shots of our delectable sandwiches, baked goods and salads, plus other information about the cafe. Last night we got it up and running after Scott and Eric from Sonix installed a new computer and long cables to connect it to our network, and it worked great. Then we switched off a light and ‘boom!’ a flicker and it was gone. I guess they still have a little tweaking to do before we get to tantalize our patrons with visions of the food they might want to buy before they leave the cafe.