Time to Taste, er, Guzzle, More Crisp White Wines

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White, white, white, this afternoon was a blizzard of white. White wine that is, from the Sancerre region of the Loire Valley. Hit me with half full glasses of refreshing sauvignon blancs from domains like Quincy, and Sancerre, and after a few I am….well, sleepy. Then we pile into the van and drive to….another vineyard to meet another producer to….taste more white. It was a struggle, but as they say, somebody has to do it.

We dozed a bit in the van driving the hilly country with breathtaking views of rolling hills and miles and miles of green wheat fields. We made it to a farm where we met Dominique, who with her husband milks a herd of 150 goats and produces excellent chevre. We met a whole bunch of very friendly and inquisitive goats, who nuzzled and poked and prodded us as if we were going to feed them. Then we met a sad bunch. The four-day old males who would soon, well, let’ s just say they won’t be down for breakfast very much longer.

With a view like this, who could not like this hotel, appropriately named The Panoramic. Viva la France, while the wine buzz fades away, I have a chance to drink in a million dollars worth of vines spread out before me as you see in this photo.