Dogsledding on Ile d’Orleans, Outside Quebec City

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It’s fun to be back on a press trip after a few months at home. I almost forgot how much I enjoy meeting journalists and talking shop with website owners and writers. On this trip, I’m joined by Madelyn Miller, known as the Travel Lady, who publishes nine websites and hails from Dallas. Also on the trip is Jesus, a reporter for the Miami Herald who loves cold weather. Charlie from Boston, owner of a ski website and has also joined us.

The weather here is cold…really cold. We spent the morning touring this wonderful old city and learning about its 400 year history. Ten months of this year will be celebrations, including an amazing video projection that will show a 40-minute video onto giant grain elevators that are 600 meters wide. It will be the largest video ever shown, and will take place in the summer.

After our tour of the old city, we drove over a bridge to the Ile d’Orleans, to have lunch in a country auberge. Then we made our way up a steep hill to go dogsledding. Mushing the beasts through deep snow, the air was crisp and the dogs yipping and yapping. Unlike the dogs we saw in Greenland, these guys were friendly and ok to pet, and I kept my foot on the brake while we caromed through the smooth snow. It was a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, and on the bus back to the hotel I dozed. Why was I tired, it was the dogs that did all the work!