Pissing People Off Every Day on Readuponit

I am constantly amazed at how mad I make people with this blog. Who knew that words I peck here reach so far and wide…but they do. So you will just have to guess which blog got somebody so steamed up I had to remove it. No, don’t try to recall it, just trust me…a lot of the things I write about get yanked down or altered. Sometimes in a few hours, sometimes it takes a little longer.

I heard once about the folks in the local hardware store…mad as hell at my arrogance for speaking askance of the mighty millionaire from Leverett. And how many stories have I shared using pseudonyms yet still making their subjects uncomfortable?

I am a little amazed because, well, it always comes down to sharing what somebody shared with me. I have come to regard my blog as my tablet, my open book, the place where I go with my news. I am unafraid of honesty, but the truth is many people are aghast.