Getting Ready to Go to Barga, Tuscany

Late night at the cafe. We’re in the midst of an art show opening for Simon Camp, who is showing photographs of Rwanda in our cafe. It’s not a big night. Despite good publicity only a few people showed up. But it made me realize that doing this kind of event pays us back down the road.

I am distracted and so is Cindy. We both are thinking about Barga, and our upcoming visit there beginning tomorrow night. We’ll take off at 6 and head over the Atlantic to Pisa, and then drive to the college, artsy town of Barga.

We’ve enjoyed emailing and getting to know Kerry, our hostess, and we’re bringing her Oreos, as requested. And we’re packing our Scopa cards, she loves to play that bizarre and fun card game that is popular in Italy.

A few more packing items, and some thing I am forgetting. Oh well time at noon to take the plunge, can’t wait to report to you from Tuscany!