Our Correspondents In France

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Today I am working the morning shift at the cafe. The sun struggles to come out, it is still about forty degrees. Ugh. New England is in the midst of a collective sigh. Again.

It is fun to pop onto the GoNOMAD blogs and read our travel warriors’ accounts. Sony is waking up in a castle in Carcassonne France, marveling at the copious pates, cheeses and gourmet foods she is stuffing down, and Kent is getting ready to fly from St. Lucia back to NY and then over to France too, for a week.

France is getting NOMADized this Spring, with not one but four writers doing features about various parts of this wonderful country. Unlike after previous trips of mine, I’ve gotten my story written fast, so I now have a new story about Burgundy up on the site. Phew! It sure feels good to have the story posted so quickly!