The Wows Have it in the Expanded Cafe

Even though I didn’t hit the pillow until about 2 am, it was up, up, up even before little early riser Nathan (but after his dad Francisco who plowed out of the driveway at 5:24 am)to return to the cafe. I was groggy but excited. I was excited the way you would be if you just bought a house and your family is coming over to see it. They ooh and ahh all over the place and it just makes you feel great.

To a person, every customer who came in today said ‘WOW!’ They danced around in the wide space in front of the new bakery case, they were amazed there was so much room in this once crowded space. Even the new floor wowed them, (and who could miss that puke green dirty carpet we once had to walk on here?)

This is a homerun. I can feel that this move will pay us back in spades, we will see our daily gross grow and grow, as people come to see that this is a place where not only can they get the best coffee in town, they can actually relax, read the paper and sit at a table with it. Now if I can only get my credit card machine to work again, all will be right with the world!