Talking with Kevin about Cyprus on St. Louis Radio

A long, long day is finally coming to an end. Relaxing at 9 Mountain Rd. after a day working at the cafe and doing all kinds of things. I got a call at about 4 from Kevin McCarthy, he does a travel radio show in St. Louis. We traveled together in Malaysia, and he wanted Kent and me to be begin contributing to his show. So Kentski phoned in from San Fran, talking about his time in Jordan with Bedouins, and I talked up a trip I went on in February to Cyprus.

It was fun, and it helped that I had my story printed out so I could add details about meze, their famous multi-course dinners, and Pafos, the British flavored seaside resort we visited, and the wonderful windswept Temple of Apollo.

We had a birthday party at the cafe for Aaron, who just turned 12, and invited five of his pals to come play Runescape on our computers. The kids had a blast and it was worth our while. There was a time when we thought we’d have to buy expensive new video cards and all sorts of different shooter games to make money with this, but we found it just takes finding regular customers who want to bring their friends to a party in the cafe.