No One in NY is Impressed That You’re British…

The Press Gazette in the UK ran a story about what it’s like for a British reporter to work in the Big Apple.

Carey says her experience on publications such as Star magazine and the National Enquirer taught her that American journalism isn’t just Sex and the City’s Carrie trotting out a 1,000 word piece while dressed in a tutu.

“I imagined fleets of Sarah Jessica Parker lookalikes tottering round in Manolos,” she says. “In fact, the dress code is much more laid back. As a woman, you look overdressed in a skirt and a jacket.”

Also, if you think you can impress with your Englishman in New York turn, forget it. “Everyone in the UK is impressed you are working in New York.

No one in NY is remotely impressed you are British.

There are too many of us for it to be considered a novelty,” Carey adds. A move abroad can be an unsettling business and Witheridge says American bureaucracy is legendary.

“America loves red tape. Try renting an apartment without a bank account or social security number. It took months for me to obtain both. When it came to finding somewhere to live, I had to empty out my savings to put down a three-month security deposit, rather than the usual month,” she says.

Carey agrees that the major challenge in big US cities like New York is the rental market. “As a newcomer you are seen as fresh meat by landlords and brokers, who charge crippling fees just to find you somewhere to live. They show absolutely no mercy.”

There are compensations for working in the States. “It’s the charisma of the place — and actually living there rather than just visiting,” says Carey. “It’s going out onto the street every morning and being hit in the face with the feeling of ‘Wow, I actually live in the coolest city on Earth’. It sounds corny, but that euphoria never wears off, no matter how long you are there.”