How to Make Your Website Better

I’m speaking at the Adventure Expo in Washington DC on February 10th. I’ll keep trying to spread our GoNOMAD Gospel. Below is the promotional text that I hope I can live up to:

How to Improve Your Google Rankings and Get More Business from Your Travel Website

This presentation will outline the key steps needed so that you can improve how you rank on Google and how to build a successful travel website. Using examples of many other sites, this presentation will show not tell, and give the novice or intermediate web administrator good updated and profitable information.

Max has appeared on CNN and many radio programs, and is comfortable with the subject and passionate about the web. He brings an enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge about the subjects and is a top-rated speaker.

This morning, Cris Carl of the Daily Hampshire Gazette called, she is writing for the paper’s Business section and wanted to do a Q & A about the pulse of business in town. I told her that the hardest part of my job was wanting to travel and also build this cafe. Despite all that grounds me here, I am determined to make my trips to Cyprus and Sonoma, and DC, all in February.