Speaking as an Entrepreneur…

Today I am giddy for a whole bunch of reasons. Our new GoNOMAD Cafe was featured in the Daily Hampshire Gazette, spilling the beans on our grand scheme for our internet cafe and wireless little town. I had tried to keep the reporter from putting as many details in about the latter, as this is a still a challenging piece of this complicated puzzle, but of alas my zeal for this project has made it hard to keep secrets.

The second piece of good news came when Tom Vannah called to let me know a story I wrote about San Pedro de Atacama Chile will be published in the Valley Advocate this week, along with Paul Shoul’s fine photos.

The momentum of the cafe, the wireless, and the website pulls us along, giddy with the next prospect or challenge. I am working on developing travel content for mobile phones, another emerging trend. The more that I do this, the more I love it.