Publicity is Always Good!

The Christmas season is always the most busy and rushed time of the year. But in all of this excitement, some of us thrive; we like it busy, busy, busy with all sorts of stuff coming at you at once. Well I do anyway.

This morning Tom Vannah from the Valley Advocate phoned to request another story of ours to use in a new publication that will debut in February. It is called Preview MA, and Kent St. John’s recent story about Croatia will be a part of the inaugural issue. After being told no by the Gazette and reading between the [email] lines, I have decided to forget about trying to please that old ragged daily, and instead, embrace the youth and vigor of the Advocate. So no more tech stories for free to the Gazette.

Then Charlene Scott from WFCR public radio called, she wanted some quotes about our new cafe for next week’s news broadcasts. While I tried like hell not to talk too much about our nascent wireless plans, I did convey our enthusiasm for South Deerfield, and why we’re bringing a cool new cafe to this sleepy burg. I also told her that we’d be offering classes in computer skills, and that we’d have very good coffee.