Kelsey Moves On, Candidates Appear

Kelsey Flynn is leaving the River! So here is today’s entry on her blog.

“Please Hold Your Applause Until the End — Today was my last day on the River Morning Show on my own. All next week I’ll be accompanied by one of the five W-R-S-Idol semi-finalists. May I have the envelope, please? The five semi-finalists for the W-R-S-Idol spot are:

Monday: Izzy Dunnington of Athol. British. Realtor. Fancy.

Tuesday: Tao Jones of Easthampton. Musician. Spiritual Advisor. Kind of licensed in Reiki. Fascinating.

Wednesday: Joanie Crawford of Conway. B&B owner. Former folk singer. Native daughter of New Yawk. Fresh.

Thursday: Zip Cody of Northampton. Frontman. Musician. Writer. Channeler. Funky.

Friday: Martha Cutt of Easthampton. Queer. Former flight attendant. Pet lady. Possible hoarder. Freaky.

Here’s how we have you judge the candidates next week. After working with the best dog trainer in the world, I’ve decided positive reinforcement is the way to go. So, each morning after the close of the River Morning Show, call the feedback line (413)586-7400, x304 and give your positive feedback if you feel so moved. The person with the most “yays” wins. Limit one call per listener or Simon Cowell will be pissed.

Done and done.