Everyone Rides the Fung Wah Bus

Few New Yorkers openly admit it, but everyone I know has taken the Fung Wah Bus. It’s the Queen Bee of the deep discount bus lines now operating out of Chinatown. And yes, it’s the real deal. But like any bargain, it comes with its own set of unique challenges. And unfortunately for me, I learned all the pitfalls of Fung Wah the hard way – by riding. Daniel Derouchie wrote this story for GoNOMAD.com

Then the mechanics of capitalism kicked in and things turned cutthroat. Travel Pack/Lucky Star came onto the scene, setting up a ticket stand right around the corner from Fung Wah’s site. Travel Pack/Luck Star offered one-way tickets for an astounding low price of ten bucks. Any hour, anytime – always!

Suddenly everything I’d anticipated accelerated at a rapid pace. The bus door opened as the crowd tightened into a snug round ball hoping somehow this would secure their entry. It was at this point that all rational thought went out the window; even the young Williamsburg-looking artists clenched their bags and teeth as everyone fought to make it on, but Sara hadn’t arrived yet. This put a wrinkle in my well-devised plan.