Google’s Orkut, a Great Way to Score

Reuters reports that Brazilian police arrested 10 people on Thursday accused of selling drugs using Google’s international social networking site Orkut, which is hugely popular in the Latin American country.

“We’ve nabbed 10 so far, but there may be more,” he added. The ring distributed mainly ecstasy and marijuana.

Orkut allows members to join and set up online communities to discuss everything from doughnuts to quantum physics and schedule events such as community meetings.

Narcotics are also discussed, with some groups advocating their legalization. However, most popular Portuguese-language communities touching on the issue are anti-drug groups.

Several million Brazilians have become devotees of Orkut since Web search leader Google Inc. launched the popular social-networking site in January 2004. They make up more than half of Orkut’s 7 million plus members.

Part of Orkut’s allure is its exclusivity — one can only join at the invitation of another member. The site is named after Google software engineer Orkut Buyukkokten.