Filling Out Forms, Sending the Checks

Today’s mail included a huge packet of forms from our accountant. Being relatively new to the world of paid employees, this daunting assemblage of forms for payroll taxes, unemployment insurance, proof of employment, and federal taxes was a bit intimidating.

As I kept signing forms, following the instructions written on post-it notes by our accountant, and adding checks to the envelopes that needed them, I was struck by a thought: What if I were a businessman who spoke only Spanish or Mandarin? How would I have assembled these forms if I didn’t hire my savvy accounting firm in Chicopee? And mostly, I thought about how many businesses just skip all of these forms and pay their workers cold hard cash. Indeed, it would be a lot easier. But I am comforted by the fact that all of these forms make GoNOMAD’s place in the business world official and sanctioned, and there is nothing to fear.