Are Comedians Better Lovers?

Rachel Kramer Bussel writes the Lusty Lady column in the Village voice and included this recent look at the sex lives of comedians.

“Eric de Picciotto’s had his share of groupies, even though he makes sure to mention his longtime girlfriend during shows. “One night, a woman from the audience was enjoying my set so much, she flashed me from her table,” Eric confesses. “You’d think that I wouldn’t have wanted my girlfriend there, but the best part was having her there and laughing about it together when we got home.”

Gilad Foss relays his dating woes during his sets. “You know the show Sex and the City? I’m working on a spin-off called Involuntarily Celibate in Brooklyn,” goes one of his openers. Foss proclaims comedy and dating “rife with rejection” and sees bringing chicks to shows as a mixed bag. “When I first meet a girl, she’ll often want to see one of my shows,” he says. “I try and avoid it because it makes the performance even more nerve-racking, not to mention that it’s an egotistical first-date activity.”

Chelsea Peretti, who’s shared some wacky sexual fantasies onstage, ventures that female comics “probably flirt slightly differently than the average female,” since they’re around guys more often. Does dating fuel her humor? Sometimes. “I used to mess with this guy who completely loved that I would constantly mock him in my act,” she says. “Seeing him was like withdrawing from a joke bank filled with solid gold.”