Batting Around the Tennis Ball

This morning we head over to Ludlow to hit tennis balls inside a huge green dome. It is a round robin affair, we get there and are given a list showing who we are playing against for 45 minutes of doubles. Then we switch and play a different pair. I grew up in a preppy family outside of Princeton NJ, so every school I went to had good tennis courts, so I am comfortable with the racquet. The ritual and lingo is pleasing to me, all of the “love 30’s” and “deuces” flying back over the net. The people we play with are gracious, but competitive, they don’t get mad when you plunk the ball into the net, yet cheer when you stick it in the far corner for a winning shot. I blast my Ivan Lendl serve as hard as I can, and sometimes I score an ace.

I was surprised at what a sweat you can work up when you’re furiously hitting balls playing doubles….a good workout and a good way to begin my Weekend.