An Interesting Fellow

This morning brought bright sunlight. And when we drove up to the office door, there was a guy waiting for us holding magazines. “Uh, oh, I thought. Here must be the ad sales guy, who, seeing the feature story in Business West, is ready to try to get me on an ad schedule.” It turned out to be David D. Frazier, an graphic artist, friendly web guy and video tinkerer. David works for BusinessWest and lives in nearby Leverett. He stopped by to see what we were doing with our travel site. He worked previously for EF, big tour company, and is, like us, a traveler. We are thinking of how we can mesh, and hope to see more of him.

The other news today was from Laos. I was invited to visit an ecolodge there. This is going to be an eye opening trip, late May. Very excited and thinking a lot about this trip.