The Day Job–Selling- Is Easier than it Looks
Many of us in publishing have other jobs that help pay the bills. Mine involves a skill that I’ve acquired over many many years, the skill and nerve to sell for a living. Selling is tough, no, that isn’t really true, it’s just that for most people selling stinks. They can’t imagine the rejection, having to keep on going after somebody says no, having to PERSIST. That is the fun part, actually, of selling. A sale that is easy, well that is fun, and we’ll take that. But the best and more rewarding sales are ones that take a long time, that require you to try, and after a while you keep trying, and you succeed.
Some times I get calls from people whom I contacted six months or a year ago. They’re ready and that is what makes it satisfying. I tried, I showed them, and time went by, I might have forgotten abuot them, and they finally were ready….so they called me. Nothing is nicer than to realize that all of the seeds that you plant do come up, they just take a while.